Making Perfectly Square Paper
And Other Cutting Tips
Unless otherwise specified in the folding instructions, paper for
origami must be perfectly square. Or, if some other shape, such as a
rectangle or triangle, it will likely need to have been made from paper
that started as a perfect square.
If it’s not square, we can pretty much guarantee you’ll be both frustrated and less-than-satisfied with your finished project.
Our Number One favorite tool for cutting is this 12 in / 30 cm Premium Crafter’s Trimmer by Fiskars™.
You can quickly cut all kinds of paper into perfect squares, rectangles, and triangles. Love it, love it!
has a guide wire that lets you precisely position the paper for
cutting, and a swing-out arm that lets you work with paper up to 15
inches wide.
Many print shops or copy centers will have a large-scale cutter like this that you can use free of charge.
old-fashioned guillotine-style cutters. It’s nearly impossible to cut a
square with them, and they can be dangerous. Please be careful when
using cutting tools, including scissors!
Probably the most well-known method of cutting a square out of a
rectangular sheet of paper is the technique of folding one corner to
meet the opposite edge. >
This method relies, first, on the
paper having two perpendicular edges and, second, on you folding one of
those edges to the other. If you want a smaller piece of paper, this
method probably won't work.
avoid the diagonal crease, you can lay one rectangular sheet on top of
another of identical size. Mark a cut line on the lower sheet
using the upper sheet as a guide. >
When relying on a fold line for cutting, it might be helpful to have a pencil line as your guide.
You could use a ruler to mark the line. Or hold the paper folded on the cut line and run a fine-tipped pencil down the crease. We like a mechanical-style pencil and a clear ruler for marking.
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