for Kids
February 2010

Hi! My name is Sarah.
page is all about origami for kids by

I made all these origami
heart rings. They are so easy!
This picture is a link to
the folding steps. >
I'm going to make one of
these for my mom for Valentine's
My favorite one is this
one holding my scarf. >
I'm lucky to have a
grandma that has a lot of origami paper
Even if you all you have
is some plain white paper, you can
still make a ring like this right now.
I'll show you how!
< Get a piece of paper like this.
You will need some glue, too, and scissors if you have them,
but you don't have to have the scissors. A crayon or marker to color it
be good, too.
You will need to cut out
a small square of paper. I'll show you how to do it without a
If you want to make a small-size ring,
make the square this way (makes a 2¾-inch square):
If you don't
get what the picture is showing, move your cursor over it
to see a tooltip.
If you want your ring to
hold a scarf
or if you're going to make a ring for a grownup with big hands, make
the square this way (a 3¼-inch square):
If you don't have
scissors, fold the paper where you would
cut it. Fold the
paper both ways back
and forth many times until it you can tear it easily.
know a trick to make it really easy to tear.
dip my finger in water. I shake off any
drips. I run my
finger along the fold so that it is just a little wet.
Too wet is not good.
Then I
unfold it and carefully tear it. It
works pretty good.
If you have your little
square of paper, click below to
go to the steps for folding the ring.
Before you go, though, I
want to tell you something that
happened to me the first time I tried to make this ring. I missed the step that
said to turn it
over. That can really mess you up! I hope that helps.
If you are going to
decorate the heart, it's best if you don't glue the ring
until after
you do that.
See you back here when
you are done!
to go to the steps for folding the Heart Ring
Now that you have your
ring you can decorate it if you want.
There are about a
thousand ways to decorate your ring. You
can just color it red. If
you have some
sequins or jewels you can glue them on.
My grandma let me look in the drawer where she
keeps her stuff for her nails.
found some
glittery polish and some nail decorations that I used
for these rings.
If you are making the
ring for a grownup or to hold a scarf,
it might need to be bigger. All
you have
to do is glue in a piece of paper like this: >
All done?
glue the ends of the ring. AWESOME!
Before I say bye I want to tell you one more thing that is
cool about this ring.
can put a tiny
note in one of the pockets on the front, or in the cute little pocket
on the
back which I like best. >
See you next month with
more origami for kids by kids!
to send Sarah or her brother, Ben, an idea or tip?
here to submit an idea or story for this Origami for Kids page!
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