How to Fold an
Morning Glory
and Two Heart-Shaped Variations
is a very simple,
traditional model. The flower can be cut into a variety of shapes.
designed two heart-shaped variations.
Tip: If you will be making a
heart variation, you might want
to practice cutting a heart out of a piece of scrap paper folded in
You’ll want to have your technique down before you cut into your model.
prettiest hearts are plump and curvaceous.
1. Important:
Start with the
colored side up. The
flower is going to be whatever color is up
when you start.
Fold a square base (also
known as a preliminary base).

Working with
the top layer, fold in the lower sides to meet the center

5. Turn
the model over and repeat Step 4.
You have a kite shape.

6. Fold
model in half, bottom to top, to make a crease.
Tip: Since it’s really thick at
this step, creasing with the back of a spoon might be helpful.

7. Open
the flower by folding the top layer toward you along the crease you
just made.

8. Notice
how the flower has four sections or petals.
Squash-fold the two side petals into perfect little squares.
Together, the four sections form a square flower.
9. Using
the instructions below, cut the shape you want. Morning Glory
Single Heart Four Hearts
10. To
make the model stand on its own, fold the tip of the stem up, and
increase the angle between the flower and the stem.
To make the traditional morning
1. Fold
the lower half of the flower up, forming a triangle.
2. Fold
the model in half.

3. Cut
a quarter circle.
Tip: It’s easy to cut more, but
impossible to put part of it back if you cut too much.
4. Open
the flower and make any touch-ups you want.

make the single-heart
1. Fold
the model in half the long way. Here’s
where your heart-cutting practice pays off.

2. Cut
a half-heart. It’s
okay to cut through any part of the model, except
the stem (the part
below the thumb in this photo).
Tip: To avoid cutting the stem,
it might be necessary to pull the bottom tip of the heart away from the
stem a little bit.

3. Open
the heart and check your progress.
4. Do
any re-folding and/or re-cutting until you have the shape you like.
5. Looking
at the heart, notice how you can see bits of the back, like above the
finger in this photo. If
this doesn't bother you, you're done. Good job!

6. (Optional)
Working on the back side, trim these bits until you like the result.
As long as you don’t cut into the “face” of the flower or the stem, you
can cut away quite a bit without harm to the model.

make the four-heart
This is our logo at the
top of the window. It’s
a tricky cut that might require some
1. Fold
the lower half of the flower up.
2. Fold
the model in half.

3. Cut
two mini hearts. But
notice you only cut the upper part of the
lobes. The
lower parts of the hearts are formed by the folds.

4. Open
the flower and make any touch-ups you want.

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